
An audio-visual postcard that director Viera ?ákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores the potential of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in solving complex man-made global problems such as climate change or the crisis of parliamentary democracy. From a curious and criti...

来自孤寂世的笔记电影完整版在线观看免费、手机在线播放mp4和迅雷下载地址,可用爱奇艺、优酷网、腾讯视频、百度云盘网盘、来自孤寂世的笔记百度云资源和QVOD快播、吉吉影音、来自孤寂世的笔记西瓜影音等播放器免费在线观看完整版720p 1080p、BD超清版、HD高清版、中文版、国语版、粤语版、中字英语版以及bt种子下载。 2024-07-03 02:45:19